Whiteman: Influential Engineering Professor Teaching Online
A Message from the School Chair
I extend my wishes for a relaxing and happy holiday season to the Woodruff School’s faculty, alumni, students, staff, and friends. Celebrating with family and loved ones helps us to appreciate and reflect our good fortune in being associated with such a fabulous community. Happy Holidays!
Bassiri-Gharb Elected President-Elect IEEE UFFC-S
Erturk Receives 2 ASME Awards
Alper Erturk received two distinguished awards in the award ceremony of the ASME Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems Conference in Colorado Springs, CO, on September 23.
Disappearing Carbon Circuits on Graphene Could Have Security, Biomedical Uses
In the television drama “Mission Impossible,” instructions for the mission were delivered on an audio tape that destroyed itself immediately after being played. Should that series ever be revived, its producers might want to talk with Georgia Institute of Technology professor Andrei Fedorov about using his “disappearing circuits” to deliver the instructions.
ME/ECE Team Wins IEEE/ACM ISLPED Best Paper Award
An interdisciplinary research team from Georgia Tech, representing the the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering (ME) and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), won the Best Paper Award at the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED 2015), the premier conference in the area of low power electronics.