Compressed Sensing Allows Super-Resolution Microscopy Imaging of Live Cell Structures
New method provides necessary spatial resolution plus a faster temporal resolution
Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and University of California San Francisco have advanced scientists’ ability to view a clear picture of a single cellular structure in motion. By identifying molecules using compressed sensing, this new method provides needed spatial resolution plus a faster temporal resolution than previously possible.
NRE: Winning Major during GT Engineers Week
National Engineers Week ran from February 19-25 and featured campus-wide events and competitions for people all of interests whether they were engineering majors or not. This year's version of the annual event saw over 400 Georgia Tech students participate in a wide range of events including a friendly competition between the engineering majors. Points were awarded for placing first ro second in daily competitions as well as for participation with the results being normalized for major size.
NRE: Winning Major during GT Engineers Week
National Engineers Week ran from February 19-25 and featured campus-wide events and competitions for people all of interests whether they were engineering majors or not. This year's version of the annual event saw over 400 Georgia Tech students participate in a wide range of events including a friendly competition between the engineering majors. Points were awarded for placing first ro second in daily competitions as well as for participation with the results being normalized for major size.
Professor Srinivas Garimella Named Dean's Professor
Dr. Srinivas Garimella, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, has been named Dean’s Professor of the College of Engineering at Georgia Tech in recognition of his unique research and teaching contributions in advancing thermal science principles to reality through micro- and Megawatt- scale sustainable thermal energy systems for carbon-neutral residential, commercial and industrial energy utilization.